I aim to help you folks in setting up mysql server in windows box in this post. Read the steps below and of course follow them Before you go ahead make sure you view the presentations at the end of the steps.
* Go to http://dev.mysql.com/get/Downloads/MySQL-5.0/mysql-5.0.37-win32.zip/from/pick
* Pick the mirror that is closest to you and download the zip file
* Extract the zip file to your preferred location - you can use programs like 7-zip or winzip for this
* Double click the .exe file to install the mysql server
* Follow the wizard to complete the setup
* Enter the new root password if it asks for (make sure to note this down or remember)
* Once the setup is complete, start the server
* Now launch a command prompt - start -> run -> type 'cmd' and enter
* Now type mysql -uroot -p and press enter
Presentation Links:
* Install MySQL Server & configure a instance
* Connect to the server using mysql client and running a query